he is so not going to pass! And he is not in pain, at least that is what they tell me, he just gets anemic and so that makes him sleepy and who does not like to be sleepy! WAIT cats are always sleepy! But thanks!
I would but I never see you on anymore BUT that might be cuz I have no time to sit at my computer anymore....
Had someone admonish me for leaving in the middle of an AIM conversation without finishing the conversation, then that same person did the exact same thing to me.
I know this person would like me to think there a bitch for doing the same thing they bitched at me for, but I think it is hilarious.
Ok, so do to my piss poor ability to rationally handle my emotions, I have an unused plane ticket that I can use for credit against another ticket. I have 90 days to decide where to go and book the reservation, but I don't have to actaully travel in 90 days.
I am looking for suggestions on where to go. It is only a $266... Read More
For some reason or another, she has went from thinking I truely love and care about her, to thinking I just want to fuck her. How in the hell do I prove I still care about her and that I don't care if we get together or not? How do I convince her that she is special, and a beautiful person, and I just want... Read More
well that is a hard one, sounds silly to me... I would think that the fact you are willing to go across country to see her would be enough,,, I mean how often does anyone try to go that far just to 'fuck' someone!
Shit I will not even drive an hour or two let alone get on a plane!
I tried to make the later flight on stand by, but it was full. I still feel that I am here and not there, but I would have felt twice as bad had I not atleast tried to make the flight.
that is crazy! I have never had a problem like that at all BUT I do not fly that often... If it was me I would make them cheaper the day of since you woud think they would want to book the flight! LAME
"Now I stand here alone in the dark, Without you
Theres nothing more that I would like, Than be with you
I close my eyes, but I cant stop, Thinking of you"
It' 2:30, I should be setting in Minneapolis waiting on my connecting flight to Portland, but instead I am here. I was ok with my decicion to stay, sure it hurt, but I... Read More
I can't explain how sad I am. I hate to lose her, but I am not emotionally stable enough right now to figure out how I feel and what I want, and I can't expect her to wait on me to figure it out, nor do I think she would wait if I asked her to. She... Read More
No you did not miss anything, well not much OR wait nothing important...
OH man I am so sorry to hear that, makes me want to cry....
I hate missed love connections... Maybe it will still work itself out and if not then you are just that much closer to finding that person who is right!
I'm back, sorta. Not going ack to work till liek August the 2nd or 3rd.
Had a good vacation, gotta convert my photo's from RAW to JPEG so I can make a we gallery for them, 700 pix that will take me a few days to do. I need a new computer, my laptop is so old I got it when the PIII 1GHz chips... Read More