*** Not Dead ***
SG just ate this entry so you get the abbreviated (though still quite long) version.
I trained in Macromedia's Flex from Wednesday to Friday of last week. I wasn't convinced going in that it was all that useful. I am now. Though I'm still not convinced that it's any good for customer-facing applications -- at least not until Macromedia revamps the pile of shit they call a styling interface. It's hard to use and everything still looks like a flashy piece of crap.
I'll spare you more nerd stuff.
Despite being ditched by boundcreature and Palo at manray last Wednesday I managed to have a pretty great end-of-week-through-weekend. It helped kick things off that TheFullNelson was at manray. He's still a very nice young man... even if he never phones or writes.
Thursday found me cooking mushroom, tomato, eggplant and chick-pea stuffed peppers for sapphic_plastic, who claimed to enjoy them, though apparently not enough to ignore that her statement was made in reference to a tofu-based dish and make some "I Heart ThePants" buttons anyway. I didn't take boundcreature's review of the dish ("lacking in spice") too seriously until I ate them reheated for lunch today, and was startled at not only how little taste they had actually managed ro retain through reheating but also at how similar the consistency of the mushrooms were to rubberbands. Regardless of how right he was about these peppers, he is a jerk, and overly stubborn regarding experimentation with italian dishes he grew up on.
Friday begat a Rockabilly/Burlesque show with Paul, sapphic_plastic, Kay_ and two of their friends whose names I've charictaristically forgotten. We danced. You should have been there.
Saturday morning, before leaving for PA, sapphic_plastic was kind enough to pull herself out of bed after only 5 or 6 hours of sleep and join me for breakfast, where despite disclaimers to the contrary she proved to be a wonderful conversationalist; Anybody who can say "conversationalist" thirty seconds after being awoken by the telephone is bound to have their shit together by the time you pick them up for breakfast.
Immediately upon arriving in PA for my sisters' graduation party, my dad and I built the most wonderful horse shoe pit a nerdy guy and his dad ever built in an hour out of near-rotting lumber. It was designed to the exacting standards of The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America, executed with all the skill and know-how of a lobotomized hippopotamus with no left eye, and filled with not nearly enough of the best sand $10 can get you at WalMart on a Sunday afternoon 1.5 hours before the party starts.
Pictures are forthcoming.
Sleater-Kinney tomorrow. I've got my tickets... have you got yours?
thanks for your thoughtful comments. you guys are the best.
ha ha! you are at work now!