Well... Boston urban planners and civil engineers have kicked my ass, yet again.
They're tricky bastards: making mapquest try to send you the wrong way up a three lane street, giving no warning that if you want to continue driving on the road you're currently on that you're going to have to shift 4 lanes to your right through merging traffic, hiding the turns you want to take behind warnings that you're about to get on a highway and end up in Malden.
It was the last one that got me.
I looked at a map before I left; I found my way around the wrong-way problem. I've driven in Jersey; I'm okay with cutting across 4 lanes of traffic to make a turn. But that same Jersey driving instinct tells me if it looks like you're about to get on a highway, stop whatever you're doing and avoid doing so at all costs, because otherwise you're either going to end up on a toll road, a road with 20 miles between exits, or you're going to take an exit to try to turn around and get lost in Newark for 45 minutes.
Very tricky, indeed, but now I've looked at Google's satellite images and can recognize the landmarks I used to avoid getting lost today. Tomorrow, by god, I will find the Assembly Square Mall and the Circuit City that's going to sell me a TV for boundcreature's slumber party, and no amount of misleading traffic patterns is going to stop me!
They're tricky bastards: making mapquest try to send you the wrong way up a three lane street, giving no warning that if you want to continue driving on the road you're currently on that you're going to have to shift 4 lanes to your right through merging traffic, hiding the turns you want to take behind warnings that you're about to get on a highway and end up in Malden.
It was the last one that got me.
I looked at a map before I left; I found my way around the wrong-way problem. I've driven in Jersey; I'm okay with cutting across 4 lanes of traffic to make a turn. But that same Jersey driving instinct tells me if it looks like you're about to get on a highway, stop whatever you're doing and avoid doing so at all costs, because otherwise you're either going to end up on a toll road, a road with 20 miles between exits, or you're going to take an exit to try to turn around and get lost in Newark for 45 minutes.
Very tricky, indeed, but now I've looked at Google's satellite images and can recognize the landmarks I used to avoid getting lost today. Tomorrow, by god, I will find the Assembly Square Mall and the Circuit City that's going to sell me a TV for boundcreature's slumber party, and no amount of misleading traffic patterns is going to stop me!
boston driving kills me, jersey is so much easier for me
fuck driving in boston. i don't understand how i can love living in a city like this when i absolutely hate all locals, all sports teams and every aspect of driving in it.