Depending on whether you're a member of this site or not, what you're thinking now either features the word inevitable or disgraceful; possibly both. I want to sqash any rumors now and make it clear that I did not join this site just for the free pony. Sure, I like ponies, and I won't tell you that the free pony didn't enter into my decision, but I'm not here just for the free pony.
I'm here to put an end to the horrible libel that has been written against me, by my supposed "friend", boundcreature
Jordan claims that I asked for two stamps and in return, promised to make him cake. Let's be clear, here. I indeed took two stamps from Jordan. That I will not deny. HOWEVER, it was made crystal clear during our negotiations that the payment for the two stamps would be the PROMISE to make cake and not the cake itself. Let me repeat: Jordan gave me two stamps for a promise which would not be substantiated, and furthermore which he was perfectly aware I had no intention of following through on. These terms were explicitly stated prior to our exchange.
He knows full well that if I had a cake, I would give him some, and I would give you some to. I don't have any cake, I don't have the neccesary ingredients and I didn't yesterday when Jordan claims I scammed him out of two stamps. It will eventually come to light that a third party was witness to these dealings, and I would suggest that you talk to her, but I have no doubt that she would side with him, since he is significantly taller than I am.
However, with your help we can put an end to this shameful and underhanded smear campaign right now. I can't do it alone, please leave a comment in Jordan's journal letting him know that you don't appreciate these unscrupulous falsehoods and knavish deceptions.
Thank You.
I'm here to put an end to the horrible libel that has been written against me, by my supposed "friend", boundcreature
Jordan claims that I asked for two stamps and in return, promised to make him cake. Let's be clear, here. I indeed took two stamps from Jordan. That I will not deny. HOWEVER, it was made crystal clear during our negotiations that the payment for the two stamps would be the PROMISE to make cake and not the cake itself. Let me repeat: Jordan gave me two stamps for a promise which would not be substantiated, and furthermore which he was perfectly aware I had no intention of following through on. These terms were explicitly stated prior to our exchange.
He knows full well that if I had a cake, I would give him some, and I would give you some to. I don't have any cake, I don't have the neccesary ingredients and I didn't yesterday when Jordan claims I scammed him out of two stamps. It will eventually come to light that a third party was witness to these dealings, and I would suggest that you talk to her, but I have no doubt that she would side with him, since he is significantly taller than I am.
However, with your help we can put an end to this shameful and underhanded smear campaign right now. I can't do it alone, please leave a comment in Jordan's journal letting him know that you don't appreciate these unscrupulous falsehoods and knavish deceptions.
Thank You.

You should leave jordan a testimonial that says, "If I knew you were coming I'd have backed a cake."

you're gonna be the recipient to my left hook if you don't watch your mouth shiteyes!