I met up with God and The Devil for drinks last night.
Ask The Devil. "Has common courtesy died?"
The Devil said. "What you should ask yourself is, did it every really exist? Except in some romanitc novelist imagination. Human beings are inherently selfish and most don't do or think of others unless they have something to gain, sex, money, acceptence. They are damned souls. What else would they be doing in hell? Hell is evil, so everything that exists in it must be as well in order to survive. A delicious dilemma."
I asked God. "Why do we do so much to destroy ourselves and do such stupid things?"
God said. "I made you from monkeys. What did you expect?"
And then we had a nice micro brew. God had a honey ale, The Devil had the dark ale, I had the strewberry brew and we watch the world go by.
Ask The Devil. "Has common courtesy died?"
The Devil said. "What you should ask yourself is, did it every really exist? Except in some romanitc novelist imagination. Human beings are inherently selfish and most don't do or think of others unless they have something to gain, sex, money, acceptence. They are damned souls. What else would they be doing in hell? Hell is evil, so everything that exists in it must be as well in order to survive. A delicious dilemma."
I asked God. "Why do we do so much to destroy ourselves and do such stupid things?"
God said. "I made you from monkeys. What did you expect?"
And then we had a nice micro brew. God had a honey ale, The Devil had the dark ale, I had the strewberry brew and we watch the world go by.
Yeah, you can play BG online, and i could when I went back to my school connection, but the only game i really enjoy playing online is Diablo II.
Luckily, the cosmic band's always ready to strike up another song! And courtesy hasn't died, but I agree that it's not so common.