I am SOOOOO glad I spent 220 bucks on a digital camera so I could take a total of 7 pictures in San Diego... heres a photo recap:

This is Scotty, also known as "Scotty the Button" or "Scotty the Worm", "Blinky", "Twitchy" OR when Im in hurry "Scotty you fucking worm of a man, why on earth didnt your mother choose abortion, get out of my face"
Anyway, Scotty is kinda socially retarded, Ive probably aggravated his condition with the constant bullying and name calling I sling his way, everyone else lets him hang out because they feel sorry for him, Like a weak pokemon, he really needs to evolve once or twice before anyone will be able to truly say they like him.
I laid a condom on his pillow, and because someone up there likes me, he rolled over onto it and it stuck to his head, once I got back home I thought itd be fun to "MS Paint" him up to look like the lone ranger... I got alot of free time

I told Eric Powell that he had made the best swamp thing covers since Berni Wrightson, I feel they really are beautiful, when I asked him for a swamp thing sketch he was TOTALLY NOT INTERESTED, when I challenged him to a best 2 out of three Paper/Rock/Scissors contest putting up 100 bucks against the swamp thing sketch I wanted he begrudgingly accepted... After I took him to school, I handed over my my sketchbook and two days later he handed me back my swamp thing... Ill probably never speak to this dude again

So maybe youve never had three very attractive women hang out in shirts with your name on them but for me its no big deal, fuckin whatevs man, Im popular
and thats about it, theres a picture of teh batmobile and teh mach 5 somewhere, but who gives a shit, anyone with google can see way better pictures of that stuff than the ones I took, so go play in the street or something

This is Scotty, also known as "Scotty the Button" or "Scotty the Worm", "Blinky", "Twitchy" OR when Im in hurry "Scotty you fucking worm of a man, why on earth didnt your mother choose abortion, get out of my face"
Anyway, Scotty is kinda socially retarded, Ive probably aggravated his condition with the constant bullying and name calling I sling his way, everyone else lets him hang out because they feel sorry for him, Like a weak pokemon, he really needs to evolve once or twice before anyone will be able to truly say they like him.
I laid a condom on his pillow, and because someone up there likes me, he rolled over onto it and it stuck to his head, once I got back home I thought itd be fun to "MS Paint" him up to look like the lone ranger... I got alot of free time

I told Eric Powell that he had made the best swamp thing covers since Berni Wrightson, I feel they really are beautiful, when I asked him for a swamp thing sketch he was TOTALLY NOT INTERESTED, when I challenged him to a best 2 out of three Paper/Rock/Scissors contest putting up 100 bucks against the swamp thing sketch I wanted he begrudgingly accepted... After I took him to school, I handed over my my sketchbook and two days later he handed me back my swamp thing... Ill probably never speak to this dude again

So maybe youve never had three very attractive women hang out in shirts with your name on them but for me its no big deal, fuckin whatevs man, Im popular
and thats about it, theres a picture of teh batmobile and teh mach 5 somewhere, but who gives a shit, anyone with google can see way better pictures of that stuff than the ones I took, so go play in the street or something
did you see my mother at comic con? heh. she was there!
To tell you the truth, I don't remember any of this happening.