At least once a day I imagine my own reaction to spontaneous combustion or being lit on fire by accidental or murderous means.
Popular causes of the spontaneous version are mental feelings of shame and embarassment that manifest manifest at mundane times, such as standing in line at the grocery store or while driving
Accidental or murderous causes are often created in good vs. evil confrontations I daydream up while driving.
If I should ever burn to death while driving please look to this post as prrof positive that I posess mental powers beyond those of the average goober
Popular causes of the spontaneous version are mental feelings of shame and embarassment that manifest manifest at mundane times, such as standing in line at the grocery store or while driving
Accidental or murderous causes are often created in good vs. evil confrontations I daydream up while driving.
If I should ever burn to death while driving please look to this post as prrof positive that I posess mental powers beyond those of the average goober