In December I suffered through what was probably the greatest depression of my life. I believe I suffer from a seasonal fluctuation and more often than not, these moods that color my days begin earlier in the year. For some reason or another this particular year rather than be dumped on my ass into the middle of a miserable funk I felt my chest harbored...
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About fucking tired of all the scrutiny and critique.
I was born with a talent. I have a real flair for being cruel. I would almost say that it goes against my nature to be kind and sweet, but ive been told enough that those are qualities that dont apply to the world today. So Ill acquiesce to the fact that I need to change,...
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I was born with a talent. I have a real flair for being cruel. I would almost say that it goes against my nature to be kind and sweet, but ive been told enough that those are qualities that dont apply to the world today. So Ill acquiesce to the fact that I need to change,...
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Right? I was with you on the HL thing. He never did it for me. But holy insanity batman...he was ASTOUNDINGLY AMAZING in DK.
40 days since Ive made a new entry... no telling how many days since Ive made a meaningful entry...
Im gonna go ahead and say that after years of hospice care, this journal is dead.
wich is not to say Ill never post here again, Sorta like carrion feeding off a corpse and whatever else grows on dead stuff, this "journal" will just take a...
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Im gonna go ahead and say that after years of hospice care, this journal is dead.
wich is not to say Ill never post here again, Sorta like carrion feeding off a corpse and whatever else grows on dead stuff, this "journal" will just take a...
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what up friend.
you know what I really hate? the guys who hit on me at the gym while I'm trying to workout. It is the one hour that I get to just do my own thing all day long and I can't stand it when guys come up again and again and refuse to just let me be... Flattering for a moment, frustrating when they don't leave after I've dropped the hint...
This zombie craze has got to stop
It started with monkeys... everyone talked about monkeys... monkey jokes were hot, all you had to do was drop teh word Monkey and you suddenly just said something awesome...
Next it was Pirates... Pirate jokes, pirate costumes, pirate flags, pirate talk blah blah fucking blah pirate pirate pirate...
Now its fucking zombies... Zombie proms, zombie comics, zombie toys,...
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It started with monkeys... everyone talked about monkeys... monkey jokes were hot, all you had to do was drop teh word Monkey and you suddenly just said something awesome...
Next it was Pirates... Pirate jokes, pirate costumes, pirate flags, pirate talk blah blah fucking blah pirate pirate pirate...
Now its fucking zombies... Zombie proms, zombie comics, zombie toys,...
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My cake will kick your cake's ass. Just giving you a friendly warning.
a while back I posted "At least once a day I imagine my own reaction to spontaneous combustion or being lit on fire by accidental or murderous means."
and today I had quite a daydream... Being in malls probably brings on this feeling the most... something about being a part of something so wholly awful as being burned alive taking place in a super clean...
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and today I had quite a daydream... Being in malls probably brings on this feeling the most... something about being a part of something so wholly awful as being burned alive taking place in a super clean...
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thanx so much
have a good day
have a good day
A few days ago on the plane to san diego My pal Erik said he always sits in the aisle seat where as I prefer the window seat. He says he doesnt care for the view, I told him (And this probably isnt the best thing to say on a crowded plane) that I really enjoyed watching the plane take off and land, that I...
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did you see my mother at comic con? heh. she was there!
To tell you the truth, I don't remember any of this happening.
Everytime I turn on the TV and catch the last 3 minutes of Robot Chicken I thank the lord I just missed the previous twelve minutes of that absolute turd of a show
The simplest way to put it, "That show IS NOT FUNNY!"
The simplest way to put it, "That show IS NOT FUNNY!"
I cant sleep lately and my legs ache terribly, Im convinced its blocked arteries and Im going to die
At least once a day I imagine my own reaction to spontaneous combustion or being lit on fire by accidental or murderous means.
Popular causes of the spontaneous version are mental feelings of shame and embarassment that manifest manifest at mundane times, such as standing in line at the grocery store or while driving
Accidental or murderous causes are often created in good vs. evil...
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Popular causes of the spontaneous version are mental feelings of shame and embarassment that manifest manifest at mundane times, such as standing in line at the grocery store or while driving
Accidental or murderous causes are often created in good vs. evil...
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B-B-B-Benny and the Jetsssssssssss
chet thats a good one i like this entry
Miss me?
beautifully said. i, too, am searching, with no luck.