Well, snow is melting, it is raining. It feels like the northwest. Three weeks til Makeout May. Everyone should do their part. Grab someone hot and makeout. There is 31 days so get busy homies. I can'twait to skate for real spots and parks. It isn't evensummer and I'm tired of the parks around here.
I got a digital camera the other day. Its pretty cool. Now you can see my dumb ass. making faces. This one has been called "magnum". So maybe there will be more photos instead of wired drawings.
Redrobot is now in NYC. We had a mellow last few nights out with friends, It was good to see everyone. Especially go ride with Killacont.
I got a digital camera the other day. Its pretty cool. Now you can see my dumb ass. making faces. This one has been called "magnum". So maybe there will be more photos instead of wired drawings.
Redrobot is now in NYC. We had a mellow last few nights out with friends, It was good to see everyone. Especially go ride with Killacont.

i know. just by chance i went to the psc website toight and there we were, with the little white pig. how cool. check out scout's budweiser collar and leash. nugget and jc are coming back this weekend. i feel a dance party coming on. are you down?

are you down for the bud girls on thursday night? i'll call you.