We went to the USOPEN Friday Night and Saw some old pals. It was good. Lots of cops. But the White Stag wasn't stopping for no one. Not until four thirty when evryone else was asleep and the rug was saturated with beer. Just like the old days. The room we satyed in was so nasty. STD city. Old Man ws in rare form. I think I succeded in pissing off many Pittsburg ballers. They were into basketball not booze. And not into me Macking on their bitches. Those girls were busted anyway.
Colleen is my hero. No pukey much drinky.
I gotta sleep. nighty night.
Oh yeah I dunno know whats up with Manchester VT but they love the cock. Everywhere you went was huge 6 foot square pictures of
Colleen is my hero. No pukey much drinky.
I gotta sleep. nighty night.
Oh yeah I dunno know whats up with Manchester VT but they love the cock. Everywhere you went was huge 6 foot square pictures of

she might br playing cavity search with the gelled-up italian cop she picked up at the bar on monday.
[Edited on Mar 19, 2003]
Dza is just jealous of his black laquer bedroom set with the gold inlay..