I made it back finally!! I am sooooo happy to see this place. No more bitchy ass roommate I want to toss out the window, no more scaring myself mentally by catching her in "the act" with her ugly ass boytoy, and, I have a tub in which I can take as long a bath as I wish, make Nutmeg stew I am in it so damn long...and I went shopping at Walmart...and got one of every color of rose they had, new curtains for my bed room which I decorated with my ebay junky purchases (oh I have a little ebay addiction) and I got a new bunny named Stew...Stewart...he's black Angora...yeah for knitting his pretty hair....and yes I said his name was Stew...hehehehe
I'm so happy for you! I hope that each one of your vices will be satisfied during your vacation. Ideally you should knit with some naughty girls who arrived on horseback. Cook up some stew, eat it in the hottub, then steal the naughty girls' horses and hit the road to avoid your crazy ass roomie. Enjoy!
Hey neighbor! Nice to know that you're back in the area. I can already feel your wonderful presence.