do you ever get the feeling that you could have achieved more in a day . My counter on my car says iv done 10 miles today , yet i have absolutely jack shit to show for it .
I did go to get my car seen to , but they were closed .
I did go to buy stuff from town , but i couldn't get parked .
I did try to get some food shopping in , but yet again i could not get parked.
I also thought it would be nice to go for a drink with some friends , but i forgot to take my phone out with me .
24 little hours wasted , enough time to to do more then nothing ????
oh well , there is always tomorrow

PS: your sofa rocks!
"-Somehow managed to survive this night without getting murdered"
you know anthony carpendale is a member , yes ?
I had to Google that guy and Im still coming up empty. Did he work on Blade or something? Did I accidentally murder a relative of his? Because if its the latter, I was paid to do so. Hard.
Have a Holly Jolly ChrHoliday