Ok so I've said it before and I will say it again ,nadine rocks , cant skate for shit but she rocks, big time . Her man and her put up 13 members of Team Super Fab n Shit for the weekend at their house in Cheltenham and they didnt complain once about the smell of foot odour,,,,,,,, respect.
Team Super Fab n Shit official line up .
SG Caz
this was the first time I met this girl and will not be the last , she is a firecracker in pink and black with a devilish smile and a wee heart of gold , first class
SG Tilly
apart from ducking out early on the sat night , tilly was true to form , looking as drop dead gorg as ever and making me laugh till it hurts . She just might be the best there is , Ive no doubt she is one of the best I know
SG Nadine
This weekend Ive learned a lot more about this girl and all of it just makes me love her more , for great results just add pimms.
SG Vicky
Vicky was a joy to be around as always and thankfully forgave me for not mentioning looking forward to seeing her in my past journal entry .
Go say hi to this girl if you havent already , this you will not regret this . She is awesome fab and has a tremendous grasp of the English language n shit. We do share an uncommon love of making new adjectives from everyday nouns ,,,, and this is also great .
the other half of discos Sub Super Fab Super Team , a bit like the two little hairy things of the thunder cats except much more fab and easier on the eye . Together they are impressive but this emo boy can hold his own in the fab Olympics . Go say hello to him too other wise he will feel left out n shit.
Nothing really needs to be said here that you dont already know . I have a lot of respect for this guy which I hope comes across and even more so now after his all night drinking display while would have half killed many a younger man .
Not a member yet but is apparently applying to be an SG , and if she does, Id bet my granny that she gets in . Didnt get much chance to talk one on one to her ,
this could be because she is either
a) a bit shy ,
b) thinks I am an total arsehole ,
c) both a and b .
Anyway she is eye poppingly stunning and seemed really nice ta boot .
There were a few other their who were also nice but I didnt speak to much and cant really remember their names . Also I met kristoph and Distorture on the Sunday , but I was very very unwell at this stage so didnt get to say much more than ughh , grrr and ahhhhh. They seemed sound anyway and I will make a point of speaking to them in English next time we meet .
Any way so the mantra festival , what was that anyway tattoos peircings blah , blah , who gives ?
Team Super Fab n Shit official line up .
SG Caz
this was the first time I met this girl and will not be the last , she is a firecracker in pink and black with a devilish smile and a wee heart of gold , first class
SG Tilly
apart from ducking out early on the sat night , tilly was true to form , looking as drop dead gorg as ever and making me laugh till it hurts . She just might be the best there is , Ive no doubt she is one of the best I know
SG Nadine
This weekend Ive learned a lot more about this girl and all of it just makes me love her more , for great results just add pimms.
SG Vicky
Vicky was a joy to be around as always and thankfully forgave me for not mentioning looking forward to seeing her in my past journal entry .
Go say hi to this girl if you havent already , this you will not regret this . She is awesome fab and has a tremendous grasp of the English language n shit. We do share an uncommon love of making new adjectives from everyday nouns ,,,, and this is also great .
the other half of discos Sub Super Fab Super Team , a bit like the two little hairy things of the thunder cats except much more fab and easier on the eye . Together they are impressive but this emo boy can hold his own in the fab Olympics . Go say hello to him too other wise he will feel left out n shit.
Nothing really needs to be said here that you dont already know . I have a lot of respect for this guy which I hope comes across and even more so now after his all night drinking display while would have half killed many a younger man .
Not a member yet but is apparently applying to be an SG , and if she does, Id bet my granny that she gets in . Didnt get much chance to talk one on one to her ,
this could be because she is either
a) a bit shy ,
b) thinks I am an total arsehole ,
c) both a and b .
Anyway she is eye poppingly stunning and seemed really nice ta boot .
There were a few other their who were also nice but I didnt speak to much and cant really remember their names . Also I met kristoph and Distorture on the Sunday , but I was very very unwell at this stage so didnt get to say much more than ughh , grrr and ahhhhh. They seemed sound anyway and I will make a point of speaking to them in English next time we meet .
Any way so the mantra festival , what was that anyway tattoos peircings blah , blah , who gives ?

.... unless i promise it in my campaign