so i wanted to get away from it all this weekend , so i went down here to meet all them and lots of fun was had .
Fanks guys
Moments that stick in my mind
1. Finally getting a hotel room that didn't suck .
2. Not understanding how the fuck to play Dance Dance Revolution , clearly cause i was a bit drunk and was stepping when the arrows appeared at the bottom rather than waiting till they got to the top and wondering why they were not in time . I will train like Rocky and beat creamys ass next time .
3.Being covered in blood in a dark alleyway pretending to be dead , then talking to a policeman , trying to convince him that everything was A fookin OK.
4. Being left on hold by orange trying to cancel Jayne's phone after it had been nicked for a very long time then lying to them telling them that she had been beaten up and that i was a policeman or something
5. Lisa and Sian staling my thunder but in a good way
6. Meeting new meat for the picking
7. discovering that not only was my hotel room super posh , but being Spanish they gave you free porn on the TV channels
Oh and a note to girls in general , heterosexual guys dont like it when you talk to them about other men's bits like they are your brother or gay man friend , so just dont ,eeewww K
Fanks guys

Moments that stick in my mind
1. Finally getting a hotel room that didn't suck .
2. Not understanding how the fuck to play Dance Dance Revolution , clearly cause i was a bit drunk and was stepping when the arrows appeared at the bottom rather than waiting till they got to the top and wondering why they were not in time . I will train like Rocky and beat creamys ass next time .

3.Being covered in blood in a dark alleyway pretending to be dead , then talking to a policeman , trying to convince him that everything was A fookin OK.
4. Being left on hold by orange trying to cancel Jayne's phone after it had been nicked for a very long time then lying to them telling them that she had been beaten up and that i was a policeman or something

5. Lisa and Sian staling my thunder but in a good way

6. Meeting new meat for the picking

7. discovering that not only was my hotel room super posh , but being Spanish they gave you free porn on the TV channels

Oh and a note to girls in general , heterosexual guys dont like it when you talk to them about other men's bits like they are your brother or gay man friend , so just dont ,eeewww K

After we split off on our ways, I managed to hail the cab from hell. I asked him to take me to the nearest KFC, to which he took me on a whirlwind tour of London - passing the open KFC's, and only stopping at the closed (and mainly those being gutted by builders). 20 later, I convinced him I wasn't hungry, and to take me to my damn hotel.
The hotel was great, apart from the food vending machine, that ate my money, with not a crumb in recompense.
Ooooooooooh I love Taxis.
Thanks a million for Saturday night. You make a very convincing twitching corpse. Will bear you in mind as chav scum.
seizure later