you know what ?
i love a really good storm ,
none of this pussy drippy rain and far away " do you think that was thunder " type of affair .
I want the end of the world , booming thunder,
sounding like its ten feet away ,
thor's wrath ,
clouds black as tar,
just fucking throwing the rain at you '
dogs howling ,
car alarms,
I want to be punched by the weather ,
knocked to my feet , run inside and hide under my covers .
I want it like it is now
today is a good day

i love a really good storm ,
none of this pussy drippy rain and far away " do you think that was thunder " type of affair .
I want the end of the world , booming thunder,
sounding like its ten feet away ,
thor's wrath ,
clouds black as tar,
just fucking throwing the rain at you '
dogs howling ,
car alarms,
I want to be punched by the weather ,
knocked to my feet , run inside and hide under my covers .
I want it like it is now
today is a good day

hope to see you soon....get your ass back down to london.