So I guess right now I feel little disconnected . This is not a moan or a rant dont take it as that , its just how I'm feeling right now .
My best friends in the world , the ones I have the biggest connection to are scattered ashes , blown across the southern half of this country. I see them maybe once or twice a year and its not really enough.
My new friends ( SGUK ) are just as far away and my only connection to them seems to be though electronics and telephone wire , satellites and jpgs . All movement is expressed within ***********s and all conversations spell checked and highlighted with a smiley or two . This is great but I feel disconnected from the medium at the moment with good reason .
My friends in this city try their best but god knows I work too hard up here to spend enough time with them and if Im being honest I dont really enjoy their company as much as I used to . Two nights in a row now I've left their company early with an excuses and thats clearly unlike me .
My job is in a different city from where I live and it looks like there is no point in moving though their as this London thing next year would mean moving yet again .
My career is at a high point right now ,and Im doing better than I ever thought I could which is nice , but without anyone to share that with it all feels a little empty .
I cant help but thinking that being single is an advantage right now . I dont know where Im going to be this year , or the next and to find someone who can except that would be pretty huge . For the record though love is not something I want to trade in for riches , I really dont want money that much .
Love to you all
Keep on dancing
My best friends in the world , the ones I have the biggest connection to are scattered ashes , blown across the southern half of this country. I see them maybe once or twice a year and its not really enough.
My new friends ( SGUK ) are just as far away and my only connection to them seems to be though electronics and telephone wire , satellites and jpgs . All movement is expressed within ***********s and all conversations spell checked and highlighted with a smiley or two . This is great but I feel disconnected from the medium at the moment with good reason .
My friends in this city try their best but god knows I work too hard up here to spend enough time with them and if Im being honest I dont really enjoy their company as much as I used to . Two nights in a row now I've left their company early with an excuses and thats clearly unlike me .
My job is in a different city from where I live and it looks like there is no point in moving though their as this London thing next year would mean moving yet again .
My career is at a high point right now ,and Im doing better than I ever thought I could which is nice , but without anyone to share that with it all feels a little empty .
I cant help but thinking that being single is an advantage right now . I dont know where Im going to be this year , or the next and to find someone who can except that would be pretty huge . For the record though love is not something I want to trade in for riches , I really dont want money that much .
Love to you all
Keep on dancing
hahaha pea wet. I love trying to explain the concept to southerners rather unsuccesfully mind - keep on dancing