AARRGh. So I sit in a anger and be bored. 1am just got back from the gym and the Matrix is on the tube. I want to know who gets to decide what curse word are dubbed over and who gets to say those words. When Tank said, "slime" instead of "shit"... it really sounded like him. I think that would be a good job for me.
I want to do a photo shoot!!! My photographer just isn't what I wanted. He does more in set, head shots, sports cars kinda photography. I dunno- he kinda gives me the "creepy guy" vibe every now and then, but I love him! He is a funny guy. The shoot we did just.. didn't turn out right. Maybe it did and I'm just being a dork. I think that I could get a good 40 pictures from the 300 we took, but I don't think he is going to give them to me! He does photography on the side (retired, family kinda guy) and usually has me sign some paper saying that he basiclly gets all the pictures but I can have like 15 of them. It is weird and hard to explain, but I think he is wanting that again. Even though I have sat and explained the suicide girl gig to him numerous times. bllah! I have a billion location and set ideas!!! I just need someone who is compitant to take them! I'm two steps away from making my roomate do it with her shitty digital camera.
I like being able to blog nonsense to whomever. *sigh* oh internet world, how I love thee. I just wish I had stable wireless (pirating just isn't what it used to be). Our bunny, Louie Vitton chewd through the wireless cord. Silly bunny. I guess it might also help to get my own computer. I have been putting that off since I moved here. I hear you can get a pretty standard desk top for under $500. I'm still uber poor, but that is a nice number. Who wants standard though? I'm such a sucker for high tech gadgets!! SPEAKING OF! I got my phone in the mail today- finally!!! FUCKING YAY!! Almost a month with no phone. Wow. I don't really know how I did it, but I'm still alive- mostly. Now i just have to pay my late phone bill so i can use it. Hehee.... yeah... I know. Lame. But thank you Garrett, my crazy future husband. Any man who has orgies with his buddies and their girlfriends is a divorce candidate of mine. :-) Oh.. shit. I still have to pay you back for the phone itself. Ugh. there goes another hundred sum.
Life is so defined by money.
But I like- things.
The Nitch
I want to do a photo shoot!!! My photographer just isn't what I wanted. He does more in set, head shots, sports cars kinda photography. I dunno- he kinda gives me the "creepy guy" vibe every now and then, but I love him! He is a funny guy. The shoot we did just.. didn't turn out right. Maybe it did and I'm just being a dork. I think that I could get a good 40 pictures from the 300 we took, but I don't think he is going to give them to me! He does photography on the side (retired, family kinda guy) and usually has me sign some paper saying that he basiclly gets all the pictures but I can have like 15 of them. It is weird and hard to explain, but I think he is wanting that again. Even though I have sat and explained the suicide girl gig to him numerous times. bllah! I have a billion location and set ideas!!! I just need someone who is compitant to take them! I'm two steps away from making my roomate do it with her shitty digital camera.
I like being able to blog nonsense to whomever. *sigh* oh internet world, how I love thee. I just wish I had stable wireless (pirating just isn't what it used to be). Our bunny, Louie Vitton chewd through the wireless cord. Silly bunny. I guess it might also help to get my own computer. I have been putting that off since I moved here. I hear you can get a pretty standard desk top for under $500. I'm still uber poor, but that is a nice number. Who wants standard though? I'm such a sucker for high tech gadgets!! SPEAKING OF! I got my phone in the mail today- finally!!! FUCKING YAY!! Almost a month with no phone. Wow. I don't really know how I did it, but I'm still alive- mostly. Now i just have to pay my late phone bill so i can use it. Hehee.... yeah... I know. Lame. But thank you Garrett, my crazy future husband. Any man who has orgies with his buddies and their girlfriends is a divorce candidate of mine. :-) Oh.. shit. I still have to pay you back for the phone itself. Ugh. there goes another hundred sum.
Life is so defined by money.
But I like- things.
The Nitch

guess u need to give me that number now dont ya? hey btw Cybil might have a some good photo contacts, you should tell her i sent you and she might be able to get you set.