Sleepy. I ought to be in bed. But it's too early feeling. I hate that.
Long walk today. Meandered through Ballard for the most part. First time I've walked my new neighborhood since I moved here. Knew the neighborhood fairly well but never really walked it. I always like walking around a place to get comfortable with it. It was realy nice out today too, so that made it a good excuse to walk around.

Was headed in the vague...
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Had a great time in Pdx this weekend. Spent time with the family of my best friend; for Easter I claimed but mostly to spend time with her. Good excuse.

Went to my first Easter Vigil Mass. Lasted ~3 hours, including all the baptisms and confirmations. It was a neat experience all in all. Sunday was a family party. Felt like part of the family...
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I'm headed over to the house of an old friend tonight for dinner. And the signs of my solo-living bachelorhood are showing, as I am most excitedabout the free meal. Lol. The company will be good too.

Going to Pdx for a 4-day weekend over Easter to hang out with my friends family and to see my sister. Gonna spend Easter with a Catholic family....
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Sigh. It's been one of those days. You know the ones. Where you can't stop thinking about the person you love.
is it good or not to think about this person?
The first week in the new apartment has come to an end at last. I'm still exhausted. I didn't sleep much at all this week. New bed synrome and new place syndrome all mixed up together. Plus being lonely living off on my own. Really not the greatest combination. But it's starting to feel a lot better living here with each day. Starting to call...
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Yay! Internet! Going cold turkey with out it is bad news. smile But now I'm moved out of my paren'ts house at long last. Tons of freaking out and unpacking left to do though. So back to it. /wave
I just signed the lease for my first apartment yesterday. Started packing my things and moving my stuff today. Have most of it moved. Will be spending the next week slowly moving myself out and buying everything i need for the new place. I'll keep you all posted on how it's going. /wave