My friend drove from San Diego to Phoenix today, she spent the weekend with her fiance. I worry about her every damn minute of her drive. Not quite panic-attack worry, but a nervous fidgeting type of worry. I really don't know what I would do if something happened. I know that any number of freakish random things could happen to any number of my friends. But with her it's different. I worry non-stop, it's bad. (cough inlovewithher cough)
In other news. I have become SO bored that I have found my Playstation in the closet and purchased a new RF adaptor by which to attach it to my coaxial-laden tv. Now I am playing through Castlevania and Soul Reaver. Both good vampire games. The first a reprise of the konami classic and the second has a more apocalyptic note. Both well worth the hours wasted, if you know what I mean.
And now for something completely different. I am sure that my dreams are telling me that a big change is coming. Or a big choice. Or a big change. A big death, is perhaps the most pertinent (prophetic, particular, and cryptic) phrasing. With any luck it wil be followed by a big rebirth too. The dreams don't tell much of that.
I want to write her one last poem. To try and say good bye and let my heart go. The next poem I write her will be wedding vows or nothing else.
In other news. I have become SO bored that I have found my Playstation in the closet and purchased a new RF adaptor by which to attach it to my coaxial-laden tv. Now I am playing through Castlevania and Soul Reaver. Both good vampire games. The first a reprise of the konami classic and the second has a more apocalyptic note. Both well worth the hours wasted, if you know what I mean.
And now for something completely different. I am sure that my dreams are telling me that a big change is coming. Or a big choice. Or a big change. A big death, is perhaps the most pertinent (prophetic, particular, and cryptic) phrasing. With any luck it wil be followed by a big rebirth too. The dreams don't tell much of that.
I want to write her one last poem. To try and say good bye and let my heart go. The next poem I write her will be wedding vows or nothing else.