The power has been out at work this week. It won't be fixed until next week they say. So currently the entire building is running off of 3 diesel fueled generators. Each one got pulled up on a semi-truck. I kinda geeked out when I saw them and went all engineering jargon in my head. Lol. But all in all this means a relaxed week since I won't be working much with no power. :-)
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 25, 2007
Greenwood Parade day! yay for local parades! -
Tuesday Jul 03, 2007
I'm feeling a little lost these days. Words don't come as easily and … -
Thursday Jun 21, 2007
Meanwhile, elsewhere... -
Wednesday May 30, 2007
I pretty much had the best weekend ever. Just starting to come down … -
Monday May 21, 2007
Do de do. Almost friday right? -
Monday May 14, 2007
Woo. Long weekend. Back to work tomorrow. Woke up at 6:45AM on Sat… -
Friday May 11, 2007
Headed to Pdx this weekend. Sister graduates on Monday. Should be a g… -
Thursday May 10, 2007
Dissapointing day. Gonna go to bed and read. -
Monday Apr 30, 2007
Went out to dinner with my friend tonight. She's good at cheering me … -
Monday Apr 30, 2007
Sleep deprivation is a bad thing.