Gonna spend the day working on a report draft that's due on next Tuesday. Lame. But I don't have to go into school so that saves me time and gas. So very much to do and so very many distractions here at home. : )
Spent last night tinkering with the report too. But my friend came over and watched so TV with me while I worked. It was nice of her to keep me company. It makes things go a lot better when I'm doing something I don't want to do.
Last night she and I decided that I need a girl of my own.
Spent last night tinkering with the report too. But my friend came over and watched so TV with me while I worked. It was nice of her to keep me company. It makes things go a lot better when I'm doing something I don't want to do.
Last night she and I decided that I need a girl of my own.