Hung out with one of my favorite ladies in the world tonight. We spent all day doing school work then we sat around in her room for a while talking and generally decompressing. We got to shooting the breeze about gamer stuff and it was fun to ramble on about it for a while. Video games really do zombie-fy my mind; which is good after a long day of schoolwork.
Anyway, I don't know why but just sitting around talking to someone for a couple hours really makes my day all that much better. So it was sweet of her to let me ramble on through dinner hour and such. But I enjoy her company a lot and even if we were sitting there saying nothing I'd be happy to hang out with her.
Anyway, I ought to get to sleep. I've got a presentation tomorrow and I ought to be rested.

Anyway, I don't know why but just sitting around talking to someone for a couple hours really makes my day all that much better. So it was sweet of her to let me ramble on through dinner hour and such. But I enjoy her company a lot and even if we were sitting there saying nothing I'd be happy to hang out with her.
Anyway, I ought to get to sleep. I've got a presentation tomorrow and I ought to be rested.