First day back for my last quarter of college. Kinda nerve racking to be this close to the end. Although it's a mere 10 weeks away the hurdles to overcome in the next few months are kinda big. Lots to get down and a planned mental breakdown of sorts somewhere near week 8. (It's so I don't explode and kill everyone around me. So I know that's coming soon.) After that the stress will melt away for a brief time before the true job hunt begins in earnest. Also, I will try my best to rot my mind and forget all the things I have learnt in the last 4 years. Chuckle. Anyway, I think I ought to get to my philosophy class.

Last quarter, last quarter... so close...
I'm hoping the lost dogs at the home think so. They only get to eat crap so I thought some fresh meat would be a nice last meal for em