Two tired old cliches: beauty is only skin deep, & don't judge a book by its cover. Goddammit if this site doesn't prove 'em both.
When browsing all the models on this site there are obviously features that stand out to me; eyes, lips, tits, ass, etc. Now my preferences in each of these categories naturally influence my thoughts on what kinda girl each one is (e.g. soft gentle looking 'doe' eyes seem to infer soft gentle character, etc). Profiles give you a few more clues but it's only when you start to read the journals that you realise you've been hoodwinked.
I've come across several real pretty girls on this site who are complete twats. Journals full of self-rightous & pretentious twaddle & you know what? Damn if they don't suddenly turn ugly after reading it! The 'doe' eyes become sarcastic & cynical, & that ass just doesn't make up for a bad brain.
Now i'm not saying all i care about is looks. On the contrary, as it works the other way too. There're regular looking girls on here that are so fucking clever & cool they become instantly beautiful after reading their stuff.
Then there're obviously girls that have both good looks & good brain & vice versa, & needless to say all the above applies to guys too.
I guess my point is: it's not wise to judge a book by it's cover, & beauty is only skin deep (hardly profound i know but that shit's been bugging me so i had to write it down).
ps. I have chosen to make a dominatrix Busta t-shirt as soon as pay day hits.
pps. This Edan lyric has been flying round my head all day, it's beautiful:
"Through the force of a holocaust brains'll bust,
i'm similar to Mantronix on angel dust"
When browsing all the models on this site there are obviously features that stand out to me; eyes, lips, tits, ass, etc. Now my preferences in each of these categories naturally influence my thoughts on what kinda girl each one is (e.g. soft gentle looking 'doe' eyes seem to infer soft gentle character, etc). Profiles give you a few more clues but it's only when you start to read the journals that you realise you've been hoodwinked.
I've come across several real pretty girls on this site who are complete twats. Journals full of self-rightous & pretentious twaddle & you know what? Damn if they don't suddenly turn ugly after reading it! The 'doe' eyes become sarcastic & cynical, & that ass just doesn't make up for a bad brain.
Now i'm not saying all i care about is looks. On the contrary, as it works the other way too. There're regular looking girls on here that are so fucking clever & cool they become instantly beautiful after reading their stuff.
Then there're obviously girls that have both good looks & good brain & vice versa, & needless to say all the above applies to guys too.
I guess my point is: it's not wise to judge a book by it's cover, & beauty is only skin deep (hardly profound i know but that shit's been bugging me so i had to write it down).
ps. I have chosen to make a dominatrix Busta t-shirt as soon as pay day hits.
pps. This Edan lyric has been flying round my head all day, it's beautiful:
"Through the force of a holocaust brains'll bust,
i'm similar to Mantronix on angel dust"
1 - It highlights the fact that I'm an anal bastards, and can't leave shit alone until it's finely tweaked.
2 - It documents how sad I am to be sat at my computer, on my day off !
3 - Sometimes I like to be online at 2am on a schoolnight, typing random shit to a mate I could quite easily call on the phone the next day... ALRIGHT !!!?
Go on say it... Say it you bastard...
[Edited on Sep 10, 2005 2:51PM]
How sad are we ?!
MSN me next time, Cuntshops !
Cue the obligatory edit time and date... (If i press enter enough times you might not see it)
[Edited on Sep 10, 2005 2:55PM]