Ok i need a rant...
Banksy may be the most popular motherfucker in the art world right now, loved by wankers up & down this shitty fucking country, but that doesn't mean he isn't a fucking genius.
This is a recent addition to his site:

See what i mean?
It's funny how all those pricks at Bristol City Council (& fucking London for that matter) can't seem to appreciate how ridiculous they sound when they say things like "I don't normally like graffiti but Banksy's work is really good & it's really brightened the city up". Fuck, Banksy IS graffiti. His work embodies the very essence of the word. And all those cunts that write for the Guardian they can fuck off as well. Praising the 'golden boy' but then scrubbing the tags off the side of their Fleet Street offices. Banksy is fucking great. Graffiti is fucking great.
Shit i could go on but i can't be arsed. I've just come off a night shift & the builders that are working on our house are making a right fucking racket so it'll be no sleep for Nick this afternoon. As you can probably tell i'm on a bit of a downer at the moment, and don't even get me started on relationships...
Fuck everything it's all shit.
Oh, except for this (rather predictably):

Oh, & i'm having a 15 minute turntablist set played on internet radio this coming Monday. I'm trying to get excited i really am.
Fuck it i'm off to bed...
Banksy may be the most popular motherfucker in the art world right now, loved by wankers up & down this shitty fucking country, but that doesn't mean he isn't a fucking genius.
This is a recent addition to his site:

See what i mean?
It's funny how all those pricks at Bristol City Council (& fucking London for that matter) can't seem to appreciate how ridiculous they sound when they say things like "I don't normally like graffiti but Banksy's work is really good & it's really brightened the city up". Fuck, Banksy IS graffiti. His work embodies the very essence of the word. And all those cunts that write for the Guardian they can fuck off as well. Praising the 'golden boy' but then scrubbing the tags off the side of their Fleet Street offices. Banksy is fucking great. Graffiti is fucking great.
Shit i could go on but i can't be arsed. I've just come off a night shift & the builders that are working on our house are making a right fucking racket so it'll be no sleep for Nick this afternoon. As you can probably tell i'm on a bit of a downer at the moment, and don't even get me started on relationships...
Fuck everything it's all shit.
Oh, except for this (rather predictably):

Oh, & i'm having a 15 minute turntablist set played on internet radio this coming Monday. I'm trying to get excited i really am.
Fuck it i'm off to bed...
How are things with you... any happier?