I got the job!
Should be starting in about a month, can't fucking wait.
In other news went to a great wedding at the weekend & got in a right state. Also went to a bbq on Sunday & saw hunting dogs it was ace, like in the second or third Omen film where all the dogs are stood staring at that guy it was scary as fuck. There were about 150 dogs in three pens all either jumping up at the fence & growling or just standing there staring. Scary dogs are cool.

In other news went to a great wedding at the weekend & got in a right state. Also went to a bbq on Sunday & saw hunting dogs it was ace, like in the second or third Omen film where all the dogs are stood staring at that guy it was scary as fuck. There were about 150 dogs in three pens all either jumping up at the fence & growling or just standing there staring. Scary dogs are cool.

u know what
i had that pic..same crop..but like my default no writing and less contrast.. on myspace
and they bloody took it down
apparently its violent or offensive
well that is the actual one myspace took down
this is the one i meant to post: