So, today I suddenly got hit by a huge wave of depression out of the blue. I'm not sure what triggered it, though I've had a rough few weeks with lots of things eating away at me so it might just be the cumulative effect of all that. Anyway, its crippling. I came home from work today and just lay curled up on my bed...
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Hi @rambo and @missy, hope I've tagged this right!
I have a writer friend I've known for years who writes shows for Derren Brown and years ago I was down in London and my friend set up a meeting with him. Now I ought to mention that before my friend started writing for Derren I was already a huge fan of his work so when...
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So i was off work last week but ironically worked harder than i actually do at my job (my job is joyous and lovely and easy) as i had to do a bunch of d.i.y. I fucking hate d.i.y., but at least a load of jobs are now done around the house and i don't have to stare at the hole in my kitchen ceiling...
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I collect animal skulls. It's a pretty slow growing collection as I have to wait till I stumble across a carcass before I get a new one but it's gradually increasing. Here's some pictures:
This is a pig skull. I learned a lot of lessons in preparation with one. It came from a spit roast at my brother-in-laws house, I asked if i could have
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There's nothing quite as exciting, particularly team sports. They are a perfect demonstration of 'the butterfly effect', where tiny incidents can change the course of events in hugely dramatic ways. It's a very beautiful form of chaos. Every miss and failure to score, every tackle, every move changes the subsequent action irreversibly, like watching rain form cascading rivers down a mountain you can never predict...
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In other news i am having the worst bout of hayfever i have ever had the misfortune to experience. My eyes feel like someone poured hot treacle into them. Still, i should be grateful summer hasn't fucked off completely yet. Winter can just hold it's horses for a...
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I can see you came visit us to Portugal!! You stayed in Oura, next to Albufeira??
It's a great place!! I spend lots of summer there, wonderful times! And the center of Albufeira, at night, with all those lights, music, bars, people...!!! Awsome isn't it??
And that "box o tampons"!! Ahahah priceless!!
Well, feel free to get in touch whenever you're into it!
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in reference to your blog... I totally get what you're saying. I have so many interests, so many things I always want to be doing and never have enough time for. While some kids in school had the problem of NOT knowing what they wanted to go to college for or do with their problem is the opposite. I want to do way more than I can fit into a lifetime. haha.
good on you, taking care of your lungs. is the pollution really bad where you live? big city?