The End of the Whole Mess

One of my all-time favorite Stephen King stories, I just finished watching the TNT version of it. The few things that were changed were things that really did need to be changed in the translation.

There are so many parts of it, so many elements that echo in today's life. Sometimes life imitating art is something more horrible than...
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New picture.
Taken today as opposed to the one that I've had up that was taken like 3 years ago.

And yes, I am fully aware of how sexy I am. ARRR!!!
thanks for stopping by and wanting to be my friend..im always around if you would like to chat smile
thanks!!! smile
I'm gonna try and get the stitches taken out of my finger tomorrow.
Hopefully, if I have a scar, I'll be able to come up with some interesting reasons as to having a huge scar over on finger. So far I've got:

1) Knife fight with a marmoset.
2) Kraken attack.
3) Telling people that I'm Batman.
4)That I got it in the War of...
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I'm thinking of buying a new SLR pretty soon, but I don't know if I should stick with the classic film or save up and go digital now instead of upgrading. Anyone have any suggestions?

Oh, and unless there are huge technical differences I'd rather not let this degrade into a Canon vs. Nikon debate. I know a lot of it is based on favoritism....
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among other things, digital blows out the highlihgts and has difficulty with shadows. if you just want 4x6 prints, i'd be less concerned. but 35mm now looks fuzzy to me after my medium and large format prints, and it would be worse with digital.

but listen to ken. he knows. oh, and all the settings on a digital camera -- if you really use them, you may as well be shooting a full 4x5 negative, given the time to prepare.
I think every day to move over to film.. I've got a decent digital camerea.. 20D.. I shoot pretty much everything in B&W and honestly it just doesnt add up to flim.... flim is so much better but you've got to be prepared to put in the work to get the image out...

its a tough call