Withdrawl sucks.
Would anyone happen to be working on a production and be in need of a Kevin Smith looking, sarcastic, knowledgeable and amatuerly experienced entertainment technology student? I've been away from women and film long enough to be depressed. I need to be surrounded by camera, lights and ladies again damnit!
I should really work on my story and just use my friends production company, but they're still full of ridiculous high school drama, so working with them will probably be more of a pain in the ass than anything else...but they do have talent.
Would anyone happen to be working on a production and be in need of a Kevin Smith looking, sarcastic, knowledgeable and amatuerly experienced entertainment technology student? I've been away from women and film long enough to be depressed. I need to be surrounded by camera, lights and ladies again damnit!
I should really work on my story and just use my friends production company, but they're still full of ridiculous high school drama, so working with them will probably be more of a pain in the ass than anything else...but they do have talent.
High School drama huh? Huh. I'd likely pass. Then again, I've seen my share of the entertainment world and it doesn't seem to get much better. Least not at the locations I have been on. Eh.