I feel better. I got some humping yesterday...it was brilliant, I mean really fucking brilliant. So, I guess the cure for being pissy is a good hump.
Anyway, I have a lot of cleaning to do today. My sister will be here tomorrow! Yay!. I don't know what we are going to do because I am totally broke...but, I'm sure we will find something. There...
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Anyway, I have a lot of cleaning to do today. My sister will be here tomorrow! Yay!. I don't know what we are going to do because I am totally broke...but, I'm sure we will find something. There...
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UUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need a punching bag....fo real.
He'd better not turn into the kind of guy who uses you for one.
Sorry I missed you, got back to the comp and you were gone from the channel
The chatroom is making me sad. I like that the groups each get a chat and the G.O. chat is fun...but, I think I am over chatrooms. They don't make a lot of sense...and watching people on cam makes me feel uncomfortable.
My ear hurts...really bad.
I think I might get a job that pays $15 an hour. I haven't interviewed yet, but apparently they...
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My ear hurts...really bad.
I think I might get a job that pays $15 an hour. I haven't interviewed yet, but apparently they...
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Thanks for the compliment on my pictures. Man, I totally love my new camera!
I actually take a lot of my pictures just around in the neighborhood. The Gorge has some nice picture taking opportunities too and it's pretty close.
How you guys been?
I actually take a lot of my pictures just around in the neighborhood. The Gorge has some nice picture taking opportunities too and it's pretty close.
How you guys been?
i miss you.
So, in the past week I have finished reading the last two Harry Potter books. I can say I am fullly obsessed. It took me a while to jump on the HP bandwagon, but I should say that I am now practically the driver. I remember when the book first got popular...then the movies came. I didn't even see the firt two until they were...
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welcome to the bandwagon. My husband thought I was insane because I was crying so much as I read the ending of the last book.
I remember when the very first book came out, thinking to myself that it looked like something right up my alley. Then a year or so later, the HP phenomenon blew up, which made me automatically disinterested, because I, too, unintentionally ignore whatever's super-popular. Probably just 'cause I'm sick of it being in my face everywhere I go. But yeah. My mother, though I was like, 16 at the time, forbade me to read them, because they're the work of the devil, you know. :p 3 years later, she visited me for a weekend and brought snacks and the first two HP movies on DVD. Yeah.
Hello there. I have nothing to report really. The Rose festival is going on here, and this week is "Fleet Week." There are Navy and Coastguard ships coming down the river...they have to raise the bridges to let them through, so I haven't wanted to try to get downtown since there are all kinds of delays on the train. My little sister will be here...
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I love your profile pic! It freaked me out at first, but now I can't stop looking at it (wow, that sounds kind of weird now that I read it). Pretty eyes!
Thanks Have a good weekend xoxox
Sup? It's me again. I really need to get a job. We have no money. The crappy thing is that I don't even have enough for bus fare if I were to get an interview. We need to sell some stuff. Or rob a bank. Ugh. I am bored.
There is some guy loitering in the middle of my street.
OMG...the main pic on MSN.com...
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There is some guy loitering in the middle of my street.
OMG...the main pic on MSN.com...
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Uugh, I need to get a second job Again
My sink looks like that, too.
My sink looks like that, too.
Do the dishes, then make some tea. You won't be bored while you do them and ill pay you $1.17, so you won't be as broke.
You're lucky i'm here to help.
You're lucky i'm here to help.
Blah. Why am I awake? Probably because I slept until 10am today. We are seriously broke ass broke right now. Stupid money. We had to go to the store and do that whole "only buy the cheap nasty garbage" thing. I hate that. At least we had a good dinner tonight. I promised Bruce I'd make his fried chicken and mashed potatoes for his birthday....
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Up late? Hehe.. I was up then. Had only gotten back from my trip to Texas a bit before that.
Bad dinner AND no birthday humping... sigh... when did you get old???
Dang I did not get birhday humping either so I guess your boy is not the only one.
Bad dinner AND no birthday humping... sigh... when did you get old???
Dang I did not get birhday humping either so I guess your boy is not the only one.
hehe.. that was a fast retort.
and no.. you are definitely not old.
and no.. you are definitely not old.
Hi from ARIZONA! It is hot here. I thought it would be bad, but I guess once you have lived here for 23 years you are used to the heat forever. I have so many people I want to see. I feel sort of bittersweet about being here. I miss Bruce and I love Portland...but, Phoenix will always be my home. I guess it really...
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i hope you're enjoying your time in the heat. i went to arizona once. WAY to hot.
have a great time.
have a great time.
hi. i am so sad that you left me yesterday, but i do understand that you had to visit with your other friends. i guess i forget that i am not your only friend, but oh well. i am glad that we got to spend so much time together getting drunk. that is always awesome. see you in september, maybe sooner. love you drunk hussy. stay drunk.
xoxo - your lover
xoxo - your lover
I will probably be in AZ this coming weekend. Let's get shitty.
reeally?? call me w/ more info!
in an interesting twist, some of my friends from arizona are coming to see me this weekend. we will be getting shitty, that's for sure.
Okay, so I feel less like killing the entire human race. But, that is mostly because I am just too tired right now.
I went out because my camera came today and I wanted film. Film...so weird after using a digital for years. Anyway, I got my film and then decided to walk around and find stuff to take pictures of.
Well, I went all...
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I went out because my camera came today and I wanted film. Film...so weird after using a digital for years. Anyway, I got my film and then decided to walk around and find stuff to take pictures of.
Well, I went all...
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yeah not the best area to be living in that is for sure. You guys were just looking for something inexpensive when you got here? I looked at houses at about 70th and Division and it is nice but 82nd is just well known for bad...
Sounds like you had a good adventure today with the camera eh? I love my digital but recently I acquired a really old film camera and I am excited to use it and use film again...
I thought you had a good car and shit back in AZ? You not bring it up with you?
Sounds like you had a good adventure today with the camera eh? I love my digital but recently I acquired a really old film camera and I am excited to use it and use film again...
I thought you had a good car and shit back in AZ? You not bring it up with you?
I really don't want to kill anyone, I just wish most people would just disappear
Your puppies are so cute