So, I found a mother duck sitting on a nest of probably 10 eggs in the parking lot at work yesterday. What kind fo duck makes her nest in a parking lot? The ducklings will have to climb down one curb, cross the parking lot, and climb up another curb just to make it to the lake where the ducks live. I don't even know if this is something ducklings can do! What if I come ot work one morning and there is smashed dukling in the parking lot?! I will die if that happens. I already had a total panic attack this morning as I was pulling into work becuase I thought maybe some punkass kids from the crack house...I mean, apartment complex, across the lake might have found the nest and smashed it or something. That is just the kind of thing that stupid assholes will do. I feel so bad for the mother because she just sits there and she can't leave. How does she eat? How long will she have to sit there for? Stupid ducks.
Anyway, Bruce brought me flowers to work today. Totally out of the blue. He is so damn sweet. I totally blushed.
I am making him fajitas for dinner tonight and then probably I will give him some sweet lovin'. He is awesome.
Anyway, Bruce brought me flowers to work today. Totally out of the blue. He is so damn sweet. I totally blushed.
poor duckies, i hope they hatch and move somewhere safer.
isn't it funny how we think it's cool if a some bum gets ht by a train, but it's outrght tragic and rude to hurt a duck?
it's all about manners. i'm rooting for the duck.
i aint no holla back gurrrrl!!!!!!!!!!1