Wow, Voltaire's new set is rad. She has such a pretty face. You know who else has a heart stoppingly beautiful face...Twwly. Damn, she just kills me. Well, nothing much is new. I am so damn tired lately. Working the early shift is shitty. I am excited for the 26th. I have a lot of stuff to do, but I know I won't do any of it until that day. Bruce went to the grocery store to get us frozen dinners because I am not cooking. I wish I was good at that stuff. I dunno, I look at women who work all day and then bust their asses at home to get the cooking and cleaning done and I just think "fuck that!" I would rather not cook some nights and let the chores go for a bit than drive myself insane being obsessed about that shit. I guess I am just lazy.
Don't worry about the cooking and cleaning, girlie. i'll do most of it. Just make sure you're taking care of the other woman's work..... hehehe (imagine crusty old man laugh here.)
You missed a wonderful time last night