Okay, maybe I should update.
I watched a lot of movies being home sick the past few weeks. I went and saw Pan's Labrynth. It is amazing. Seriously, go see it now. I watched Run Lola Run, Boxing Helena, The Squid and the Whale, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. None of which I had previously seen. I enjoyed all. The Squid and the Whale is pretty disturbing, but it is good. I am really into the L Word right now. I dunno what is going on, but I am hanging out at the lesbo bar, and my very best stoner buddy likes the vagina, and now my new favorite show is a Lesbian dramedy. Bruce says they are trying to lure me to the dark side. OooOOoooOooo...lesbernans.
Um, what else....oh, my sister is coming to visit in 2 weeks and I can't wait. Now I just need to figure out how to get the days off of work. Speaking of work, it sucks. We are so fucking busy getting ready for classes to start. If you have ever wondered why your financial aid officers have been assholes, well...it is because their jobs blows goats. You should kiss their feet for giving your sorry ass money.
So, I am just now starting to feel normal again. I still have a scratchy throat and a cough, but I feel 100 times better than last week. But, now I have cramps that could take down an elephant. Yay me!
Bruce siad some dude offered him some free drugs. I think that is pretty awesome. I accepted. Speaking of drugs, my grandmother found out about the whole debacle with my parents finding out that my sister smoked weed with me the last time she visited. She had been smoking weed for years before I knew about it, she is 18, and it is not like I forced her to do it. But anyway, everyone got pissed at me about it. My step Mom has talked to me one time since it happened and that was on Christmas. So, my grandmother found out about it somehow and called me the other day. She actually said that she doesn't want me to get "mixed up in the drug culture." I almost died. That was just such a funny and old fashioned thing to say. She made me out to be some hippie holed up in an opium den tripping on acid all day. Drug culture....wtf? I smoke weed on a pretty constant basis, but I just dabble in everything else. I am not the type of person to get into drugs so bad that it would harm me or anyone around me. That just won't happen. I am too lazy to be addicted to anything.
I learned to play shuffleboard. It is pretty fun. I am not very good, but it is simple and soesn't require much skill. I like that. I would play again.
I found a potential rental for us. We have to find something by April, or we are homeless. I am a little scared because NO ONE wants to rent to people with more than 2 dogs. I mean NO ONE. I am getting desperate. I really hope this place works out. It is pretty close to where we are now, but a little better area. It is a duplex, but no one lives in the other unit. The unit for rent is 1500sqft which is huge compared to what we have now. They guy didn't say anything when I said I have 3 dogs. I NEED this to work out.
I watched a lot of movies being home sick the past few weeks. I went and saw Pan's Labrynth. It is amazing. Seriously, go see it now. I watched Run Lola Run, Boxing Helena, The Squid and the Whale, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. None of which I had previously seen. I enjoyed all. The Squid and the Whale is pretty disturbing, but it is good. I am really into the L Word right now. I dunno what is going on, but I am hanging out at the lesbo bar, and my very best stoner buddy likes the vagina, and now my new favorite show is a Lesbian dramedy. Bruce says they are trying to lure me to the dark side. OooOOoooOooo...lesbernans.
Um, what else....oh, my sister is coming to visit in 2 weeks and I can't wait. Now I just need to figure out how to get the days off of work. Speaking of work, it sucks. We are so fucking busy getting ready for classes to start. If you have ever wondered why your financial aid officers have been assholes, well...it is because their jobs blows goats. You should kiss their feet for giving your sorry ass money.
So, I am just now starting to feel normal again. I still have a scratchy throat and a cough, but I feel 100 times better than last week. But, now I have cramps that could take down an elephant. Yay me!
Bruce siad some dude offered him some free drugs. I think that is pretty awesome. I accepted. Speaking of drugs, my grandmother found out about the whole debacle with my parents finding out that my sister smoked weed with me the last time she visited. She had been smoking weed for years before I knew about it, she is 18, and it is not like I forced her to do it. But anyway, everyone got pissed at me about it. My step Mom has talked to me one time since it happened and that was on Christmas. So, my grandmother found out about it somehow and called me the other day. She actually said that she doesn't want me to get "mixed up in the drug culture." I almost died. That was just such a funny and old fashioned thing to say. She made me out to be some hippie holed up in an opium den tripping on acid all day. Drug culture....wtf? I smoke weed on a pretty constant basis, but I just dabble in everything else. I am not the type of person to get into drugs so bad that it would harm me or anyone around me. That just won't happen. I am too lazy to be addicted to anything.
I learned to play shuffleboard. It is pretty fun. I am not very good, but it is simple and soesn't require much skill. I like that. I would play again.
I found a potential rental for us. We have to find something by April, or we are homeless. I am a little scared because NO ONE wants to rent to people with more than 2 dogs. I mean NO ONE. I am getting desperate. I really hope this place works out. It is pretty close to where we are now, but a little better area. It is a duplex, but no one lives in the other unit. The unit for rent is 1500sqft which is huge compared to what we have now. They guy didn't say anything when I said I have 3 dogs. I NEED this to work out.

I told her so now its up to you to entice her...
i wanna come visit again. plz have a house. drunken naked orgies. hell yeaah