Oh you guys, I met the cutest bun ever the other day. He is grey and he has floppy ears. He is at the Oregon Humane Society and I want to adopt him so bad. Apparently, he is on hold already. Some students were talking about a bunny today at work and I asked them if he was a little grey floppy eared dude and they said that was the one. He is getting adopted which is great, but I wanted him. He is SO CUTE.
I had a really strange week. I have been feeling kind of overwhelmed at work and with life in general. I feel like a hamster in a wheel. I am running and running but I'm not getting anywhere. I am just tired of doing things. I am tired of brushing my teeth everyday and I am tired of doing the dishes and putting on socks. It feels like things are just never ending. I am always doing the same thing over and over again. I know it is just a temporary thing and I will get over it, but I am definitely in a funk.
On a good note, I am getting a big tax refund and I am buying a new digital camera.
Okay, I have to feed my dogs.
Oh, I wanted to edit to tell you guys that since I haven't had a real digi cam, I have been taking pics with my cell phone a lot. So, here is a picture story of what I've been up to.
I work a lot

Me at work

Things I do at work

I do a lot of this

Which makes me want to eat this

I have also been doing a bit of this

(Rubies at the Bagdad)

My snow day

I found this guy in the road

This guy bit the hell out of me but he is still cute

My weener dog birthday cake

The dogs hangout by the heater

That is about it.
I had a really strange week. I have been feeling kind of overwhelmed at work and with life in general. I feel like a hamster in a wheel. I am running and running but I'm not getting anywhere. I am just tired of doing things. I am tired of brushing my teeth everyday and I am tired of doing the dishes and putting on socks. It feels like things are just never ending. I am always doing the same thing over and over again. I know it is just a temporary thing and I will get over it, but I am definitely in a funk.
On a good note, I am getting a big tax refund and I am buying a new digital camera.
Okay, I have to feed my dogs.
Oh, I wanted to edit to tell you guys that since I haven't had a real digi cam, I have been taking pics with my cell phone a lot. So, here is a picture story of what I've been up to.
I work a lot

Me at work

Things I do at work

I do a lot of this

Which makes me want to eat this

I have also been doing a bit of this

(Rubies at the Bagdad)

My snow day

I found this guy in the road

This guy bit the hell out of me but he is still cute

My weener dog birthday cake

The dogs hangout by the heater

That is about it.
This broke boat we keep riding in together sucks. We have 4-months-worth of $300 to make toward the credit card to get it paid off, and combined with school loans and only one income at the moment... Argh.