Ugh, I am having a crappy week so far. I am just feeling kinda depressed. The weather is making me SAD. On the up side, it is supposed to snow tomorrow and I hope it does. I hope it snows a billion pounds! Then, I could have my very first SNOW DAY. I hope I hope I hope.
I went to the E room (ledgendary Portland lezbo bar) on Friday. It was fun. I dropped my purse and cell phone in the toilet. I was kinda drunk but not LOADED. I was drunk enough to not really care about having to stick my hand in a public toilet, though. I danced and got a million crushes in about an hour. On Saturday I was hurtin pretty bad. I just cannot drink anymore. I HATE hangovers. If I could eliminate the hangover, I would be an alchoholic. So, I guess it is kinda good that I get bad hangovers. I am pretty much done with booze for now. I haven't managed to find any trick to keep me from barfing the entire next day...even if I only have 2 drinks! Whatever, not that big of a deal.
I am really poor right now. So poor that I have no money for food or gas. I have negative money. It is lame. I am tired of it. Why can't I just have enough to never have to worry about not having any? I don't want to be a millionaire. I want to be a thousandaire. Or maybe just a fiftydollaraire.
This weekend I have 3 days off. I want to do something fun. It is supposed to be sunny too! I want to take my dogs to the park. I want to do something I haven't done yet...there are still a lot of things I haven't seen in this city. What do you think I should do?
I went to the E room (ledgendary Portland lezbo bar) on Friday. It was fun. I dropped my purse and cell phone in the toilet. I was kinda drunk but not LOADED. I was drunk enough to not really care about having to stick my hand in a public toilet, though. I danced and got a million crushes in about an hour. On Saturday I was hurtin pretty bad. I just cannot drink anymore. I HATE hangovers. If I could eliminate the hangover, I would be an alchoholic. So, I guess it is kinda good that I get bad hangovers. I am pretty much done with booze for now. I haven't managed to find any trick to keep me from barfing the entire next day...even if I only have 2 drinks! Whatever, not that big of a deal.
I am really poor right now. So poor that I have no money for food or gas. I have negative money. It is lame. I am tired of it. Why can't I just have enough to never have to worry about not having any? I don't want to be a millionaire. I want to be a thousandaire. Or maybe just a fiftydollaraire.
This weekend I have 3 days off. I want to do something fun. It is supposed to be sunny too! I want to take my dogs to the park. I want to do something I haven't done yet...there are still a lot of things I haven't seen in this city. What do you think I should do?
dude, you dropped your cell phone AND your purse in the toilet? i'm impressed!
whatever you end up doing, please keep your hands out of public toilets.
good god you're brave.