I guess I should write something here. Um, okay, this weekend was fun. I had 3 days off, and on Saturday Larianna and nwrain came over and we made a pumkin pie and some cookies. It was fun. I am really in to baking in the Fall...it is so much better when it is chilly outside. I love to make things with pumpkins and other Fall type things. Speaking of pumpkins, we have two now. A big one for Brucie and a little one for me. I got mine for free cause the grocery guy forgot to ring it up. I love Halloween. I can't wait to carve the pumpkins. Anyway, I got sidetracked...so, Sunday Bruce and I went down to Hawthorne and we shopped a bit. Got some new stuff for the kitchen. Then we went to the Bahgdad and had some beers. I had been craving a Ruby like crazy, so it tasted really good. Oh, and I had a salad...my favorite thing to have there. Then, we went to see Marie Antoinette. It was good. Well, I was really excited about seeing it and I think i was expecting a lot. So, it was kind of a dissapointment. It was slow in some places and I think the previews are really misleading. I was excpecting a faster paced film and it is not, there is also very little dialogue. Also, in the previews there is a lot of modern rock/new wave music...some Joy Division and the like. I was expecting that for the movie also, but there were only 2 scenes with cool music. Anyway, it was actually good...just not what I was thinking it would be. Oh, I also bought inscense this weekend. I am one step closer to becoming a hippie. Bruce is afraid. I got nag champa and patchouli...see, what I mean by hippie? But, it is making the house smell very nice. Very good for Autumn weather...it smells all warm and spicy. Then, on Monday, Bruce had to work and I didn't. It sucked. I was bored. I went to the store and cleaned up. Exciting. Okay, that is all.
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