I am feeling pretty sad right now. Not really because of my own drama, (there's some, but not too much right now) more so on the behalf of others. I am very empathetic....I am easily affected my others' emotions. Like, at work, all of these families or adult students come in and most of them have no money and are just looking for a way to get out of a current life situation by bettering themselves through education. It is a technical school so you probably know what kind of students we see. Mostly people who have had hard times or maybe never did that well in school and have had nothing but dead end job after dead end job. So, I hear quite a few "sob stories." It is so difficult for me to sit there while someone cries and I am totally helpless. I hate it. The stupid government makes it so difficult for people to get a damned education.
There are so many social factors and economic factors....I really don't want to ever go there cause I could write about the injustices all day long. Let's just say that I think everyone has the right to an education....black, white, rich, poor. Whatever. That is just not the way it works. In my world, anyone who was serious about getting an education would get one no matter how much money they had. And they wouldn't be 500 million dollars in debt for it. Oh yeah, and they would be able to get a flippin job after putting all of that work into getting the degree. It just pisses me off.
The whole system is so fucked. If you are poor, you get the shaft. Yet, you are told your whole life that if you just "work hard" you can be or do anything. In America, everyone can be Bill Gates or Paris Hilton or Donald Trump. Yeah fucking right. We are force fed this bullshit...we see how the rich and famous live on TV and we are told we could have that too. Anyone can! But, you don't because you are just too lazy to work for it, right? I don't think so. I see people who are desperate to get an education and work. There is no shortage of people willing to work for their piece. Most of them don't even realize their labor is being exploited to keep making the rich richer.
They don't realize because they are told that as long as they keep their noses to the grindstone, they too, will be able to have that summer home and drive a Hummer. But, you will not. You will work your whole life, and maybe, if you are lucky you might be able to retire when you are 60. And you might even own your home...if you didn't have to take out a second mortgage to keep your family fed...maybe you even have a reliable car and a little bit of money to live off of each month. But, you are definitely not summering in the Hamptons, or taking that trip to Europe that you always dreamed of. And this is probably a "best case senario."
This will continue to happen until the day that we all wake up and realize we are slaves. We are promised the American Dream...but that is just an illusion to keep us all in line. We need to create our own Dream...one where we take back what is ours, what we've spent our whole lives working for. That rich man sitting up there in his fancy office on the top floor of his fancy building is raping you. He is exploiting your labor for his benefit. You will not get what's owed to you...no matter how hard you work or how well you take orders. The only way we can get our lives back, is to take them back by force.
There are so many social factors and economic factors....I really don't want to ever go there cause I could write about the injustices all day long. Let's just say that I think everyone has the right to an education....black, white, rich, poor. Whatever. That is just not the way it works. In my world, anyone who was serious about getting an education would get one no matter how much money they had. And they wouldn't be 500 million dollars in debt for it. Oh yeah, and they would be able to get a flippin job after putting all of that work into getting the degree. It just pisses me off.
The whole system is so fucked. If you are poor, you get the shaft. Yet, you are told your whole life that if you just "work hard" you can be or do anything. In America, everyone can be Bill Gates or Paris Hilton or Donald Trump. Yeah fucking right. We are force fed this bullshit...we see how the rich and famous live on TV and we are told we could have that too. Anyone can! But, you don't because you are just too lazy to work for it, right? I don't think so. I see people who are desperate to get an education and work. There is no shortage of people willing to work for their piece. Most of them don't even realize their labor is being exploited to keep making the rich richer.
They don't realize because they are told that as long as they keep their noses to the grindstone, they too, will be able to have that summer home and drive a Hummer. But, you will not. You will work your whole life, and maybe, if you are lucky you might be able to retire when you are 60. And you might even own your home...if you didn't have to take out a second mortgage to keep your family fed...maybe you even have a reliable car and a little bit of money to live off of each month. But, you are definitely not summering in the Hamptons, or taking that trip to Europe that you always dreamed of. And this is probably a "best case senario."
This will continue to happen until the day that we all wake up and realize we are slaves. We are promised the American Dream...but that is just an illusion to keep us all in line. We need to create our own Dream...one where we take back what is ours, what we've spent our whole lives working for. That rich man sitting up there in his fancy office on the top floor of his fancy building is raping you. He is exploiting your labor for his benefit. You will not get what's owed to you...no matter how hard you work or how well you take orders. The only way we can get our lives back, is to take them back by force.
I pretty much agree with you about all this... and it does suck... it truly does suck for a lot of people.
I'm so sorry you're feeling sad