So, in the past week I have finished reading the last two Harry Potter books. I can say I am fullly obsessed. It took me a while to jump on the HP bandwagon, but I should say that I am now practically the driver. I remember when the book first got popular...then the movies came. I didn't even see the firt two until they were on video. I tend to ignore things that get SUPER popular. This is why I haven't read the Da Vinci Code...although, I can't see myself ever jumping on that particular wagon. I think by the time I had seen the second movie I decided to give the books a try. It was difficult the read the first because I thought it was written in too much of a juvinile tone....but, it makes sense to me now. And of course the story along with the writing skills of J.K. Rowling would progress as each book was finished. Now I have to wait until next summer when both book seven and movie 5 will be released. I cannot believe that I just spent this much of my time writing about Harry Potter...and what is more embarassing, is that I could go on for another hundred paragraphs. If you found the movies even the slightest bit entertaining, I highly suggest that you read the books now.
welcome to the bandwagon. My husband thought I was insane because I was crying so much as I read the ending of the last book.
I remember when the very first book came out, thinking to myself that it looked like something right up my alley. Then a year or so later, the HP phenomenon blew up, which made me automatically disinterested, because I, too, unintentionally ignore whatever's super-popular. Probably just 'cause I'm sick of it being in my face everywhere I go. But yeah. My mother, though I was like, 16 at the time, forbade me to read them, because they're the work of the devil, you know. :p 3 years later, she visited me for a weekend and brought snacks and the first two HP movies on DVD. Yeah.