This sucks. I have applied for like, 10 jobs and I haven't heard anything. I feel like an ass sitting here doing nothing. It is hard having no car cause it is an ordeal just to go anywhere. I have to get on this bus and then transfer to that bus or get on the train. Whatever, it is not that bad but sometimes I just want to be able to drive myself. I need a job before I start getting more depressed. I am so bored sitting here all day. I would go out but I have no money...not even enough to get a soda. We are dangerously low on food too. I did manage to make banana nut bread last, I had that for breakfast. Bruce won't get paid for a couple weeks, and we have some other money coming but it is gonna take 10 days.
I have been following this whole thig with Iran lately and I really don't see anything good coming of this. It reminds me of the begining of the Iraq situation. They keep releasing statements about how the administration is "comitted to democracy" and it trying to work with the UN for a non violet solution. Yeah right, sounds like the same bullshit to me. Bush and his cronies are just itching to start dropping bombs on another country. You'd think the complete clusterfuck they made of Iraq would be some kind of warning to them...but, no. Plus, they burned a bunch of bridges and I doubt that even the UK would be down with a strike on Iran. I mean, you would have to be a complete idot to do it again....oh wait, he IS an idiot. I read some report the other day that alluded to the fact that Bush is planing to use nukes to destroy underground bunkers used in the uranium enrichment the fuck does that make sense? Let's discourage them from making nukes by nuking them. As if he doesn't have enough enemies. I think as long as Iran is using the uranium for nuclear power and not weapons, they should be allowed. The President of Iran has said he is willing to work under the Atomic Energy Agency and in accordance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The US is allowed to use nuclear power...(oh and nuclear weapons) but no one else is allowed. Cause you know, those crazy middle-easterners can't be trusted. I am not saying they should have full access and be able to do whatever they want without country should be able to do that. It is just fucked up because we have been down this road before and look how it turned out. Is Bush trying to ruin the USA? I mean, does he want everyone to hate us? Does he realize what danger he is putting the people he should be protecting in? He should just stop...and go away forever.
I have been following this whole thig with Iran lately and I really don't see anything good coming of this. It reminds me of the begining of the Iraq situation. They keep releasing statements about how the administration is "comitted to democracy" and it trying to work with the UN for a non violet solution. Yeah right, sounds like the same bullshit to me. Bush and his cronies are just itching to start dropping bombs on another country. You'd think the complete clusterfuck they made of Iraq would be some kind of warning to them...but, no. Plus, they burned a bunch of bridges and I doubt that even the UK would be down with a strike on Iran. I mean, you would have to be a complete idot to do it again....oh wait, he IS an idiot. I read some report the other day that alluded to the fact that Bush is planing to use nukes to destroy underground bunkers used in the uranium enrichment the fuck does that make sense? Let's discourage them from making nukes by nuking them. As if he doesn't have enough enemies. I think as long as Iran is using the uranium for nuclear power and not weapons, they should be allowed. The President of Iran has said he is willing to work under the Atomic Energy Agency and in accordance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The US is allowed to use nuclear power...(oh and nuclear weapons) but no one else is allowed. Cause you know, those crazy middle-easterners can't be trusted. I am not saying they should have full access and be able to do whatever they want without country should be able to do that. It is just fucked up because we have been down this road before and look how it turned out. Is Bush trying to ruin the USA? I mean, does he want everyone to hate us? Does he realize what danger he is putting the people he should be protecting in? He should just stop...and go away forever.

I get a lot of crap for speaking my mind on this site, but I put up w/ it in the hope that some people are actually hearing it. Your kindness was well-timed, too (LOTS of crap lately).
I' requesting your friendship- not because you complimented me, but because you love "End of Ze World", too! That's so awesome I don't have words...
As far as your job hunt, never underestimate the power of confidence & a positive attitude (or just buy my self-help tape