this isn't supposed to be so negative/pessimistic:
i've been out of commission from rugby for a week now and the grades are seeming to be a little bit higher. my ankle is slowly getting better too: last week i had trouble walking right and this week im almost ready to run. i think a huge part of it is that when im too busy my head isnt on straight after which i tend to procrastinate and run around like a chicken without a head. i guess im just a slacker who performs better stressing myself out then being stressed out. feel me? i had an exam today at 11 and another coming up at 5:30. dog only knows how i did in the first fuckin tricky questions heard that this next one will be worse. the new job is coming by very slowly. when i had managers i hated them and their lack of skills but still tried hard to display my work ethic. now that i dont have any managers im having problems just looking at my workload. but fuck i need that money. that once pristine bank account of mine is shriveling exponentially and i cant seem to stop spending or at least finding shit i really want. but at the same time i now own all kinds of shit i wanted. lol. so, your mission, if you accept it, is: show some love, hook me some comments and give me something else to read and procrastinate on.
i've been out of commission from rugby for a week now and the grades are seeming to be a little bit higher. my ankle is slowly getting better too: last week i had trouble walking right and this week im almost ready to run. i think a huge part of it is that when im too busy my head isnt on straight after which i tend to procrastinate and run around like a chicken without a head. i guess im just a slacker who performs better stressing myself out then being stressed out. feel me? i had an exam today at 11 and another coming up at 5:30. dog only knows how i did in the first fuckin tricky questions heard that this next one will be worse. the new job is coming by very slowly. when i had managers i hated them and their lack of skills but still tried hard to display my work ethic. now that i dont have any managers im having problems just looking at my workload. but fuck i need that money. that once pristine bank account of mine is shriveling exponentially and i cant seem to stop spending or at least finding shit i really want. but at the same time i now own all kinds of shit i wanted. lol. so, your mission, if you accept it, is: show some love, hook me some comments and give me something else to read and procrastinate on.

We need to go have a drink.....or a hooka session soon mang!