if you could have nearly every material possession you have wanted for the last year or travel to a place that you never thought you would get to, which would you choose? based on the airfare alone i could buy myself a new world...
and yeah. rugby is going good. school is ok, i'm kinda behind in my reading. i think it is because i still haven't figured out my eating and sleeping schedual. work is going to get GREAT for the next few weeks with my boss being gone. and in case you didn't hear: I'M STILL SINGLE PEOPLE!!! (no rae, there is no reason to call me a whore...)
and yeah. rugby is going good. school is ok, i'm kinda behind in my reading. i think it is because i still haven't figured out my eating and sleeping schedual. work is going to get GREAT for the next few weeks with my boss being gone. and in case you didn't hear: I'M STILL SINGLE PEOPLE!!! (no rae, there is no reason to call me a whore...)

Abd of course you have to be lucky enough that they have a vacant room..
Or else you'll have to sleep with the bums... Hehehehe
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