weighed in @ 177 BITCHES!!!
HA! i'm so happy. but at the same time i wana kill this guy in the gym... have any of you ever met someone that you disliked from the moment you saw them and the more you see this person the more you just wana give them a right hook while holding a ten pound plate in your hand? this guy walks huge, acts huge grunts huge and is ugly, skinny, and lifts like a girl. (notice: girl as in a 12 y/o jv jump rope bench warmer) he is totally an energy thief who brings bad mojo to my gym. add in the fact he dresses funny.... AAHHHHH!!!!! i'll stop now. (thanks for being with me through my venting session)
and on to more news:
- two of the 5 books that i have bought on ebay have been canceled by the sellers. FUCKERS... so that money i saved is now probably getting moved out of my hands and into the pocket of the UNM bookstore execs.
- still single and bored out of my mind
- rugby is going good but i don't know if i'm going to end up pulling out that scholarship or not... if not thats cool, i'll just end up going to Aspen for ruggerfest!!!!
anyway rugby camp starts tomorrow. lets see how i look on friday.
- work sucks. but that is mostly in part to me now having to work... as opposed to walking around campus checking out hotties and occasionally inspecting a building.

and on to more news:
- two of the 5 books that i have bought on ebay have been canceled by the sellers. FUCKERS... so that money i saved is now probably getting moved out of my hands and into the pocket of the UNM bookstore execs.

- still single and bored out of my mind

- rugby is going good but i don't know if i'm going to end up pulling out that scholarship or not... if not thats cool, i'll just end up going to Aspen for ruggerfest!!!!

- work sucks. but that is mostly in part to me now having to work... as opposed to walking around campus checking out hotties and occasionally inspecting a building.

hey!!!! how are you? good ihope...you should give me a call sometime!!! you are the kewlest!
12 year old jump rope jv bench warmer?! muahahaha!