the blazer has a leaky tranny... the mustang is showing no signs of progress... and i got a second write-up at work... then they gave me a freaking $4 raise... my life is a mess. yay! and its cold.
More Blogs
Saturday Nov 28, 2009
I've been AWOL from SG for far too long and I'm kinda bitter about it… -
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
ya estoy en nuevo mexico otras vez. levante esta manana muy seco si… -
Sunday May 31, 2009
ya me voy al Nicaragua... si hablas con dios deje que no quiero mal… -
Saturday May 09, 2009
fucking woke up late to breakfast and was talked into rolling to an a… -
Monday May 04, 2009
SuicideGirls is now following me on Twitter... wana follow? elMarcos … -
Monday Apr 27, 2009
decided to give this place some coin... so yeah, i'm back for anothe… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2008
13 days not smoking... but i'm still dipping... working too much but … -
Wednesday Aug 06, 2008
Damm I hate coming home sometimes... Nothing to do when work is done.… -
Thursday Jul 24, 2008
i've been doing something physically productive for about a week stra… -
Saturday Jul 19, 2008
I took a week off of work and partied it away with my friends and fam…