i've been doing something physically productive for about a week straight whether it's something as simple as riding my bike to the library a block away to steal some internet or if its a muscle group specific workout. i'm still doing alittle yoga everyday but my back hasn't been feeling bueno so i cut the golf and the intense yogi sessions. hell, i even had a massage a week ago and that seemed to make things worse. figure if i chill out for a week or two stepping into workingout hard one foot at a time i'l reap the benefits later. not to mention weighing in at the lightest weight i've weighed in years (166) scared the fuck out of me since i like to carry some meat on my bones.
i guess thats it.
i guess thats it.
I've been reading this book called Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and it seriously makes me want to start taking on yoga and mediation in a very serious way. Your journal totally reminded me of this.