i've been really trying to workout every day of the week. not really going all out like i used to, like spending atleast an hour in the gym, but just doing something. whether yoga, racquetball, weightlifting, a quick jog or bike ride it sounds pretty fucking amazing to have so far only missed 10 days. and yeah, 4 pounds of gain have followed and the sixer is showing again. i guess with clinicals being a quarter over i'm really getting into another BAMF phase... you know what i'm talking about, that occasional mission i strive for to kick ass at everything thing i do. i can't wait for december... and i recently decided to raise my standards. no joke, no more fucking around and wasting time with women i don't want a relationship with. i'm not looking for a wife but i decided that the next one is really going to have her shit together. yeah... it almost sounds sick if it wasn't so ambitious
I like where your head's at....
Lol, I think I'm in love with you