life has been good:
-clinicals, though long and sometimes stressful, have thus far been a good experience. but i'm on day 3 with about 100 more to go, so there is still plenty of time for shit to hit the fan. HA HA!
-6 days straight i've done something physically productive. yoga, weight lifting, racquetball, sleep, a quick bike ride... my goal is to workout at least 5 times a week till the end of clinicals (late october)... planning on buying the #2 CoC gripper before turkey day too. i'm also thinking about getting into kettleballs... money is a factor but so is my caloric intake.
-i really don't know what else to say... my life is boring, my friends for the most part are ok, there are no women in my life right now, i'm broke, i eat sleep, i study and i work... and i'm oddly content with everything right now... well, there are a few things that bother me throughout the day but i've been on this weird nothing really matters kick. -no doubt the product of reading too much about buddhism, exercising, and soul searching in that 2 week period i called a break- it's hard not thinking to much about shit and it's great not thinking about anything at all. i realized today that my future profession is going to change my life... no joke, it's that unexpectedly different.
-ever heard of trip-hop or acid jazz?
-have you found me a new victim yet?
-about how much time needs to pass before you should consider yourself celibate?
-do people ever get disgusted with themselves after using the term i love you when they talk to everyone?
-what the hell is wrong with the fucking yankees?!?!?!
-ever crave a blond? don't get me wrong i like mine with dark hair usually but... it's just an idea...
-clinicals, though long and sometimes stressful, have thus far been a good experience. but i'm on day 3 with about 100 more to go, so there is still plenty of time for shit to hit the fan. HA HA!
-6 days straight i've done something physically productive. yoga, weight lifting, racquetball, sleep, a quick bike ride... my goal is to workout at least 5 times a week till the end of clinicals (late october)... planning on buying the #2 CoC gripper before turkey day too. i'm also thinking about getting into kettleballs... money is a factor but so is my caloric intake.
-i really don't know what else to say... my life is boring, my friends for the most part are ok, there are no women in my life right now, i'm broke, i eat sleep, i study and i work... and i'm oddly content with everything right now... well, there are a few things that bother me throughout the day but i've been on this weird nothing really matters kick. -no doubt the product of reading too much about buddhism, exercising, and soul searching in that 2 week period i called a break- it's hard not thinking to much about shit and it's great not thinking about anything at all. i realized today that my future profession is going to change my life... no joke, it's that unexpectedly different.
-ever heard of trip-hop or acid jazz?
-have you found me a new victim yet?
-about how much time needs to pass before you should consider yourself celibate?
-do people ever get disgusted with themselves after using the term i love you when they talk to everyone?
-what the hell is wrong with the fucking yankees?!?!?!
-ever crave a blond? don't get me wrong i like mine with dark hair usually but... it's just an idea...
and you know what? Good fucking question about the Yankees.