life been good. hell, why wouldn't it be when you spend your spring break as a bikram yogi starbucks regular by day and a sex machine in bed by night?
ha ha... jk, there wasn't THAT much sexage. but for real, everything has been going great. even went to see a concert tuesday in Santa Fe: Ozomatli & Pistolera. and just to let you know i want the lead singer from Pistolera for christmas this year. and I think MIAH would agree with me if he didn't have just as hot of a woman standing next to him all evening.
but yeah, life is good. got the tax return in and it seems like i might be able to pay off the macbook finally... a year later... i hate credit. and smoking the occasional cigarette. and the loads of laundry i still need to do. and that 'm almost running late to yoga!! BYE!!!

but yeah, life is good. got the tax return in and it seems like i might be able to pay off the macbook finally... a year later... i hate credit. and smoking the occasional cigarette. and the loads of laundry i still need to do. and that 'm almost running late to yoga!! BYE!!!
I love nm!
i have friends at the ayurvedic institute.
And the Hanuman Temple in Taos is my favorite!
Ozomatli is always a good time too.