been slacking like a motherfucker lately but DID start working out hard again. all the injuries seem to be healed up but my knees are killing me after every leg workout. (yes, feel free to scream/cough @ me words that define female genitalia and function) but i hate going light. i like every dushbag in the gym to see those 7 plates on each side at the top of my pyramid and say "WTF?!?!" after i bust out 10 reps like i'm just starting off. anyway... i'm still a ripped 180. the doggy is doing great. the familia is going crazy. my friends are going crazier. the girls are confused. worthwhile women are no where to be found. school sucks. i'm slacking beyond big time at work. and i just found out that i have 1200 in my school account waiting for me! can you say VEGAS for spring break? na just kidding. i don't know what i want to do... i want to travel but damm it drains the cash out of my account. you know what i'm saying. fuck it! late

7mm Rehbands....your knees will thank you.