ever woke up singing R. Kelly? ... yeah, i'm serious! *lets just keep it on the downlow... nobody... nobody...* oh well, funny shit. HA!
new quote:
"what i need to do is get that bitch to bounce on the hammer" - peter u. talking about the new ladies in our lives. after which hearing, i think i'm going to vegas in march...
yesterday was the birthday and i was taken out for dinner and stuff my a good friend and ended the night with a couple of well packed bowls and a few glasses of wine. yeah, it was good.
new quote:
"what i need to do is get that bitch to bounce on the hammer" - peter u. talking about the new ladies in our lives. after which hearing, i think i'm going to vegas in march...
yesterday was the birthday and i was taken out for dinner and stuff my a good friend and ended the night with a couple of well packed bowls and a few glasses of wine. yeah, it was good.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.