so i'm thinking about changing my home - amsterdam trip into a home - NY (catch a yankee game), ny - amsterdam/anywhere else, amsterdam - chicago (catch dinner with a cousin, then chicago - home. yeah, that would rock! what do you all think? estimated costs of living for an evening in NY? the game tickets i was looking at range from $65-25 plus taxi + food + yankee crap + beer = $$$
but would also equal
and at the same time really put me on a budget in holland... there goes the buying a laptop idea this year. late.
*the new profile pic is me (l), carl, then curt(r), pretty fucking hammered that night... but then what do you expect after a case and a fifth of SoCo black.*

*the new profile pic is me (l), carl, then curt(r), pretty fucking hammered that night... but then what do you expect after a case and a fifth of SoCo black.*

marry me.